Today marks a special day for GADOT BELGIUM, located in the Ghent Seaport.
Our CEO Wim De Windt , has opened the official inauguration of Gadot’s first wind turbine on its terminal, accompanied by Gregoire Dallemagne (CEO Luminus) and along with governor Carina Van Cauter , mayor @Matthias De Clercq, aldermen Sami S.& Tine Heyse from Stad Gent.
This wind turbine will produce over 10,000 MWh of green energy every year, equivalent to the consumption of approximately 2,900 families.
Thanks to this installation, GADOT BELGIUM will be able to generate their own green energy, lower their ecological footprint and work in a more sustainable environment/terminal than ever before!
This project has been realised with the participation of “Stad Gent “Zo-fier”, a joint-subsidiary of “Luminus and the municipal holding company “Zefier”.
It will not only benefit Gadot Belgium but also the citizens of Ghent.
The outcome of it will enable Stad Gent to generate renewable energy and to reduce the energy consumptions of many families!
By achieving this milestone, GADOT BELGIUM, hopes to be an example for other terminals (in Ghent Seaport and beyond).
Bind your forces and work together towards a sustainable future for the next generations.
Gadot Belgium would like to thank: Luminus Zo-fier, GADOT Group and North Sea Port