Gadot expands its terminalling activity in North Sea Port

In the middle of an economic and social landscape that is rapidly being changed through the corona impact, Gadot is ready to react and stand its ground.

Gadot had prepared a plan to balance its manufacturing activities with additional storage and terminalling that was ready for roll-out early Q3. This was just in time to help a range of customers that were anxiously looking for additional storage capacity for such chemicals like biofuels and ethanol.

With over 10.000 mĀ³ of additional storage, and more in the pipeline, Gadot reconfirms its position in North Sea Port as a reliable and multimodal tankstorage terminal, right in the heart of Europe. It has been a while, but weā€™re back in full force!

A new Chapter begins: Gadot becomes a player in the European chemical distribution scheme.

Under the new management, Gadot Belgium made a long term ambition ā€“ Gadot becoming a player in the European chemical distribution scene, a reality.

Gadot Group had formulated a clear focus and strategy to grow their chemical distribution business in Europe.

Geographical location, supply routes, modes in and out, presence of assets and utilities, as well as synergies with other activities on-site made Ghent plant an excellent choice to set up a chemical distribution warehouse location.

Wim De Windt, CEO for Gadot Europe, states: ā€œThis project is part of our strategy to transform the plant in Ghent into a motor of sustainable growth in the heart of the European chemical scene. Through scaling, using our strengths and expertise in chemicals handling, we broaden our commercial footprint and our activity base. Gadotā€™s customers will benefit from our location, from the Groupā€™s extensive experience in chemical distribution and logistics and from our focus on service, safety and excellence.ā€

After almost a year of preparation and over 1.8 million of investment, on April 28th 2020 the first chemical tanker docked into the Ghent jetty and supplied a first parcel of 2500 MT of caustic soda. This marked the official start of chemical distribution in Europe.

More products and tanks are being built, automatic in-line dilution equipment has been installed and several 1000s of tonnes of chemical products have been supplied in the months following April 28th out of terminal in Ghent.

This marks an important milestone in the history of Gadot Europe and an exciting future for all our customers looking for a reliable and safe home for their chemical distribution needs.

Gadot develops Gadot IoT: its digital proprietary technology to manage and optimize storage capacity

As part of Gadotā€™s continuous improvement program and in line with our trend for digitization, a new tool was developed that allows continuous on-line monitoring of chemical volumes and tank capacity utilization.

The tool, that was baptized Gadot IOT and was developed with our preferred partner Telforce, allows to have a continuous update view on tank capacity, allows statistical analysis and makes all data related to the products and tanks visual through dashboards.

ā€œIOT provides a unique tool to optimize our asset utilization and improve our safety, compliance and efficiency at the same timeā€ states Gadot Europeā€™s CEO Wim De Windt.

Gadot invests in new automated filling lines

Gadot Belgium made another significant investment of 2 million EUROs in a set a new automated and semi-automated filling lines for classified and non-classified materials. The new lines complement the already existing filling capabilities of the site in Ghent and are needed to cover Gadot Belgiumā€™s growth ambitions for the next few years.

Early January, testing was completed and commissioning of the new lines was completed.

The filling lines are integrated into a new warehouse setup, thus strongly reducing forklift traffic. Whenever possible, transfers are done by a conveyor system and a new automated transfer shuttle that is programmed to move drums from one location to another. This robotic transport system has its own data storage that registers what product it is transporting. The new filling lines set up is completed with a new palletiser that automatically handles various pallet types.

Through these new high performance filling lines, Gadot Belgium now has a combined capacity of 90.000 mĀ³ of annual filling.

Opening of new production hall in port of Ghent

With the cutting of a ribbon, the new production hall of GADOT Group in Ghent has been opened. The international chemical company invests 4.3 million euro in its department in the port of Ghent. GADOT Group built a new production hall to increase the production of viscosity improvers. These are substances that determine the thickness of oil.

GADOT Group opens brand-new production hall in port of Ghent

On Tuesday, 12 July 2016 the chemical logistics company GADOT Group opened a new production hall in port of Ghent for the production and storage of viscosity improvers. With this investment, GADOT Group wants to attract even more international customers and make itself better-known. Ghent Port Company is delighted that one of the driving forces continues to invest in the port.

The investment amounts to 4.3 million euros. With this money, GADOT Group is building a new hall of 1,400 mĀ² on its company grounds. That hall consists of a production hall of more than 400 mĀ² (+ 200 mĀ² extra on a platform) and a storage hall of almost 1,000 mĀ².

The storage hall will be used for the storage of packed raw materials and the installation of two new production units for viscosity improvers. One of those units will be used exclusively for a European customer. The second one will be offered worldwide to various customers. A space has been reserved already for a further expansion to four units.
At this moment, also two new storage tanks are being built having a capacity of 100 mĀ³. In the future, they will be supplemented with six extra storage tanks of 100 mĀ³. The total storage capacity will then amount to 100,000 mĀ³. The investment will generate 4 additional jobs for operators.

This investment and the expansion possibilities together will enable GADOT Group to produce more and also store more products but mainly to attract more customers from all over the world.

For the desired fluidity of liquids
GADOT Group is a specialist in providing integrated logistics solutions, which include chemical manufacturing services. Amongst other products, the company produces viscosity improvers. They serve to modify or improve the viscosity to achieve the desired fluidity of liquids for instance for engine oil and transmission oils for cars and trucks.

The company works for its customers according to the clientsā€™ formula and under an agreement of secrecy. GADOT Group aims at the European market, the Middle East and Africa. The products are supplied and conveyed by water and by road.

In June 2016, GADOT Group celebrated its 50th anniversary in port of Ghent. The business was founded in 1966 and was run by various operators throughout the years, among them were Chevron, Texaco, Afton and ADPO. In 2010, the site was acquired by GADOT Group and integrated in its European logistical activities.