Under the new management, Gadot Belgium made a long term ambition – Gadot becoming a player in the European chemical distribution scene, a reality.

Gadot Group had formulated a clear focus and strategy to grow their chemical distribution business in Europe.

Geographical location, supply routes, modes in and out, presence of assets and utilities, as well as synergies with other activities on-site made Ghent plant an excellent choice to set up a chemical distribution warehouse location.

Wim De Windt, CEO for Gadot Europe, states: “This project is part of our strategy to transform the plant in Ghent into a motor of sustainable growth in the heart of the European chemical scene. Through scaling, using our strengths and expertise in chemicals handling, we broaden our commercial footprint and our activity base. Gadot’s customers will benefit from our location, from the Group’s extensive experience in chemical distribution and logistics and from our focus on service, safety and excellence.”

After almost a year of preparation and over 1.8 million of investment, on April 28th 2020 the first chemical tanker docked into the Ghent jetty and supplied a first parcel of 2500 MT of caustic soda. This marked the official start of chemical distribution in Europe.

More products and tanks are being built, automatic in-line dilution equipment has been installed and several 1000s of tonnes of chemical products have been supplied in the months following April 28th out of terminal in Ghent.

This marks an important milestone in the history of Gadot Europe and an exciting future for all our customers looking for a reliable and safe home for their chemical distribution needs.

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